Enhance Your Brain. Engage Your Body. All While Having Fun!

The CogniFit Difference

CogniFit provides you with the opportunity to live a more active lifestyle by participating in an innovative way of exercising both your body and your brain in a fun, motivating way that doesn’t feel like exercising.

Sports Performance

Physical Fitness

Cognitive Enhancement

Open Play

Benefits include increased cognitive skills

such as:

  • Memory

  • Focus

  • Balance

  • Endurance

  • Directional Changes

  • Proprioception

  • Body & Hand-eye Coordination

  • Agility

  • Mobility

  • Sequencing

  • Visual perception and scanning

  • Ability to read/follow instructions

Resulting in :

  • Increased independence & Quality of Life

  • Increased Socialization

  • Reduce risk of injury and falls

  • Recovery after illness or management of symptoms

  • Motivation to participate in activity and move body more

  • Enhanced mood

Explore what we offer

A partnership for the future of mental & physical fitness


Living your best life is something we all desire, but as we age, recover from illness, or face new challenges, we often encounter barriers. Whether it’s struggling with physical limitations, feeling mentally foggy, or lacking the stamina to do what we love, it’s easy to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or even disconnected from the activities that bring us joy.

  • Aging can bring slower reaction times, decreased memory, and a decline in agility, making everyday tasks more difficult.

  • Illness or recovery from treatments like chemotherapy can leave you feeling disconnected from your body, your energy levels, and even your mental clarity.

  • Lack of fitness or motivation means you can’t keep up with the physical activities you once enjoyed—or even the ones you’ve always wanted to try.


At CogniFit, we believe that you are the hero of your own journey. The challenges you face are real, but they don’t have to define you. With our personalized cognitive and physical fitness programs, we provide you with the tools to overcome those obstacles and create the foundation for your best life.

  • Build your mental clarity and boost your cognitive function, so you can stay sharp and focused, no matter your age.

  • Enhance your physical stamina, speed, balance, and agility, giving you the energy and ability to live independently and pursue activities that bring you joy.

  • Recover from illness or injury, strengthening the connections in your body and brain to help you regain your strength, confidence, and vitality.

Who says fitness can’t be all fun & games!

Whether you are looking to improve your cognitive skills, physical fitness, or both, CogniFit St. Pete provides you with the way to do it all in one fun and engaging place. Our interactive game wall allows you to focus on specific goals, either independently or with a trained facilitator.


Testimonials Slider

The interactive wall is a huge hit with all ages, and we’ve had long lines since the launch. The platform has been easy for our team to navigate and our clients are very pleased with the overall experience.

We love it because it's FUN! We love it because it's a workout without being called a workout. It's competitive and also teamwork at the same time and that's another reason we love it. It keeps our brain moving along with our body. Our goal is to keep all of our clients engaged, enriched and moving; Multiball checks the box for all of those items.



6:00 AM - 9:00 PM


Our Location

6619 1st Ave S

St Petersburg, FL



Call Us Now

CogniFit St. Pete - Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives